about me

A self-taught developer with passion for creativity and front-end web technologies

Hi there! I'm Belle. I'm a self-taught front-end developer who loves building things with code.

Curiosity sparked my interest in web development after I took a break from my previous career. I started learning HMTL and CSS with FreeCodeCamp, then I discovered pure CSS images. I had lots of fun making images with pure CSS, I remember the time it clicked. Every element in HTML is a box!

Months later, I moved onto learning JavaScript and React. I've taken a number of online courses such as The Complete JavaScript Course and React Tutorial. I prefer learning by doing. So I joined 30DaysOfReact challenge created by Asabeneh in 2020. I love that React is component-based and allows us to use re-useable components to build user interfaces.

I discovered the fun and challenge of web development and satisfaction that comes with solving problems. I am passionate that web development is challenging and rewarding and it's a never ending journey of learning and growing.

Prior to the switch to web development, I have 7 years of experience in risk management and tax compliance and consulting, as well as managing client relationship with a wide range of multi-national organisations in PwC and Deloitte. My previous non-tech career has given me the opportunities to develop strong communication skills and people skills.

Since the discovery of my interest in web development, I've been honing my skills and learning JavaScript and Node.js. I'm always looking for new ideas to build projects. I would love to get to know people who share the same passion in web development. If you like to share your ideas or stories with me, feel free to reach out to me!
